Sa oled siin
Bioline on alati paneb erilist tähelepanu salongi sisustuse kvaliteedile ning elegantsusele. Tegelikult küll ilusalong on väike maailm, selle pärast teame, et miski ei toihiks olla unustatud. Just selle pärast firma pakub kasulike aksesuaaride kogumiku, mis aitavad Teile töös ning loovad unikaalset atmosfääri, mida klient oskab vääriliselt hinnata.
Продукт | Kirjeldus | |
Blouse and pants in pure cotton, crisscrossing on the front with band closure in the back. |
Blouse and pants in pure cotton, side closure, darts on the hips, ¾ length sleeves. |
Blouse and pants in pure cotton, side closure, darts on the hips, ¾ length sleeves. |
Apron in pure cotton, adjustable closure, grey with white embroidered logo. |
Weekly appointment book, plasticized hard cover. |
Shopping bag and handles in paper. Bluvivo print and central logo in white. |
A brief yet comprehensive summary of the entire range of Bioline home care products. |
For each Bioline-Jatò line, all the home care products are available in sample sachets. |